My First Task in Creative Writing Class : My Five Senses

Well, my first assignment is to describe something through our five senses. As you know, a human have a beautiful gift from God, that are five senses so that we can feel the reality around us. Those senses are sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.

Sight : Describe the appearance of favorite place.
Talk about favorite places, I liked the spacious and free spaces. The place where I could feel the caress of the wind and looked at the wide sky. The place where I could see the city from the heights. The place where I could feel relaxed and comfortable, and gave me a lot of inspirations. The place where I could be grateful for what God has created. Place in nature that can give me a sense of freedom.

Smell : Describe the stench of something that disgusting.  
Talk about the stench, I think it's relatively for each person. It could be unpleasant for me, but according to others it is pleasant. To me, the stench that made me disgusted is the smell of socks that never in the wash. I think there are some people who feel the same as me. This smell can make me feel sick and want to vomit. It's more disgusting than the rubbish I think.

My First Day in Creative Writing Class

Hello Everyone!!
Well, after all this time i neglected this blog, finally i decided to activate it back :) Why? Because one of my class in this sixth semester requires me to publish all of my assignment in a blog, so i choose this blog.
Yes, this class called Creative Writing. Actually this subject is optional for me, but the reason i choose this subject is because i think it will help me to improve my writing skill.

Basically I'm not a good writer, in fact I'm not so interested in writing. It is like a little difficult for me to string the words pretty good. But lately I often helped my friend to write some articles, and i think I'm a little interested in writing. So I took this class, which I wish I could be more creative in writing.

When I first entered the classroom, I wonder who is the man wearing glasses who sat in front of his notebook as i knew that my lecturer in that class is Mr. Eddy. After he introduce himself, then I know that he will be our lecturer in this semester called Mr. Dalih and for your information he is a pro writer. You can check his profile through his blog. When Mr. Dalih said that we will post regularly our tasks through blog, I though Okey, I will go back to my old routine, so i have to learn back again, and it gives me new challenge to love on writing.

I'm curious how the next class will be, it will be interesting or boring? :D But I hope I would enjoyed this class and help me to be creative thinker. :)

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is communication that not involving words or speech. Unrealized we have used any non-verbal language in our life. The most often we use are gesture and face emotions. Every country has their own meaning although they use same gesture with us. Usually I use a lot of hand gestures not only when interaction with people, but when I am alone sometimes.

Money, O!

Money, O! - Poem by W. H. Davies

·         When I had money, money, O!
Tell about his past time when he still has much money and rich.
·         I knew no joy till I went poor;
When we don’t have money or lost our money, we will realize how important the money, how we waste our money in the past. He knew that he won’t be happy when he don’t have money.